Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today in class..

Today in class Mr. Schick was not here. He went on a feild trip with one of his other classes. My advisory teacher, Mrs. Stathes, was are substitute. I like Mrs. stathes becuase she is very nice and kind. In the begining of class she had us explain what was going on in the movie. Then she asked me to go to Mr. Schick's office and see if he was there to find the movie. He was not there when I got there, so she asked me to go to her mailbox and see if he dropped th e movie in there. The movie was not there. When I got back my class was taking notes on refugee camps. Mrs. Stathes then went to Mr. Schicks office in search for the movie. She found it in his office somewhere, and we got to watch it the rest of class. In the movie the boys are finding jobs, and I am excited to see what happens next!

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