Monday, October 1, 2012

Helping out Sudan

Mr. Schick told us that our blogs are going to be a study tool for the final, and that we need to include our notes from class in them. He talked about this for excatly five minutes. Then we finshed watching the movie God Grew Tired of Us. We started of at the part where the boys were celbrating The Fourth of July.  It must have been hard for the lost boys to listen to the fireworks going off becuase it probally reminds them of the bombs in Sudan and all there loved ones killed by them. Their is a reunion for the lost boys in Michigian. There all the boys get together and talk about their futures and how they can help the people of Sudan. When they are their John Bul gets a little angry and frustrated with the boys who are losing their culture and becoming fully American. He wants the lost boys to get to know the American custumes but not to forget where they came from and that their are people in Sudan that need help. John Bul comes from the Dinka tribe. The Dinka tribe is a very tall race of poeple. Their is even a 7 foot 6 inch basketball player in the NBA who was from the Dinka tribe. During the movie John Bul found his mother then talked to her on the phone. After a little while she came to America and saw her son for the first time in seventeen years. It was a very happy poin tin the story and both, John Bul and his mother, were overcome with emotion. John Bul  got his Bachlors degree at Syrcacuse University and wants to open his pown medical clinic in his hometown, Buk, Sudan. Panther got his high school diploma,associates degree, and is working towards his bachlor degree. Panther returns to Africa to see his homeland and to marry his girlfriend. He was reunited with his brother and sister. He eventually wanst to open a school in Sudan. Daniel is still living with the job corps. and learning. He has sadly not been reunited with any of his family memebers yet. This is the sad part of the lost boys becuase so many of them have not seen there family member since they were young boys. Most of them do not even know if any of their family is still alive. Sudan has now been divided into two countries, Sudan and South Sudan. Their is less violence then their was before, but the two countries still fight near the border of the two countries. People in United States can  help the people in Sudan by donating money to get better refugee camps, try and get the United States Government involved, and donate money to charities that help Sudan.  I think it would be a great thing for our freshman class to help out Sudan. Our class could try and get in touch with John Bul and see if his organization needs help. We could also donate to the red cross who has people working in Sudan. Their are mnay ways we could try and raise money to donate to any charity that helps out Sudan. We could try and raise money by having a bakesale or somthing like that.

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