Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Did you Know?

We discussed the questions that we did not finish yesterday in class.  We talked about how in other parts of the world people do not live like we do. Other people in different parts of the world do not think like we do, this is not a bad things but some people are not as educated as us. Mr. Schick also told us a story about when he first used a cell phone. It was very funny how big cell phones use to be. Everyone use to get excited over having or using a cell phone but now no one gets excited becuase everyone owns a cell phone. Did you Know is a very interesting video that we watched in class today. This was my favorite part of the whole class becuase I loved all the interesting facts. My favorite fact that I learned is that by 2013 a computer will be built that is smarter then the human brain. This fact amazes me becuase that is only next year. Since today I heard about a story were someone used a cell phone for the first time it amazes me how much technology has changed in such a short time.  The fact that China will one day become the number one english speaking counrty seems kind of weird to me. That all of those poeple living in China will learn English. Maybe alot of Americans will emigrate to China and that is why  there will be so much use of the english language their. I loved learning all those interseting facts.

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