Monday, September 17, 2012


We discussed population and settlement today by using a powerpoint. Each powerpoint slide had many facts that we need to know for the test.  The first slide talked about the population in general, like the total population of the planet. The second slide showed us a chart of how the population has gone from one billion to seven billion people. The third slide talked to us about life expectancy, which is the aveage number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. The fourth slide was about measuring population. On that slide we learned the following words that we need to know for the test,crude birth rate, crude death rate, and the rate of natural increase. Net migration rate was on the fifth slide, this is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during a year.  If a country has an excess persons entering the country it is net immigration, and if a country has an excess persons leaving the country it is net emigration. People migrate becuase of push and pull forces. The last slide  was about the total  fertility rate is the average nember of children born per woman. If the population is 2.1 per woman then the population stays the same. I think the powerpoint notes will help me be more prepared for the test.

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