Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Note Taking

Taking notes is a very good skill to have and will help you later on in life. We learned that note taking can help you get better grades in classes. In college the classes have many more students then we do. Sometimes they can have up to four hundred kids in the class. The teacher sometimes never stops, and you can never asks questions. You just have to sit their in your seat the whole class and make sure you get all of the information becuase you might need it for a test or quiz. When Mr. Schick went to college he said you could buy notes off of other people. I think that would be very fun to do becuase then you could focus on learning the information and not just worrying about getting all of the notes down. When you are taking notes you need to write in fragments and not in complete sentences. If you write in complete sentences then it will take you to long to write down the information, and you could miss something that the teacher says next. I hope I can impove in my note taking skills over the course of my highschool career.

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