Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Nine Eleven is a very sad day for our country. We talked about this day for a little while in class.  It was brought up becuase we were disscussing our questions from homework last night.  The day the twin towers went down was very sad. I was only in pre-school, so I did not know what was going on. Everyone around me was very sad for the loss of people's lives. My uncle worked in those building, so my mother was trying to call into New York to see if he was okay. Thankfully, he was fine. This summer my family went to new york city and went to see the nine eleven memorial site. It was very pretty, and it had the two waterfalls were the towers use to stand. Around the waterfalls their are names ingraved into it of everyone who died. Today in class we also went over our questions we had to do for homeowork last night. I like last nights homework becuase  I learned alot of intersesting information that I did not know before. Using the CIA World Factbook is a very useful thing. I am happy we learned how to use it yesterday. we also got smarties today!  Smarties are one of my favorite candies.

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