Sunday, September 2, 2012

Vocab Words/ Late assignment

Arete= in the greek time meant courage and strengh.
Polis= literally means "city" in Greek. Polis is also the name of the Greek city states.
Socrates= was a classical greek philosopher that insisted people think about why they were thinking a certian way
The Death of Socrates= Socrates as charged with disrespecting the gods and disrupting the youth of athens and was sent to prison. Then he went to trail and did not say he was sorry. He wa sthen sentenced to death by drinking poison.
Socratic Method= method of asking questions and making people defend what they think.
The Date 508 BC= This is the year that the greeks first revolted against their leaders.
Agora= a public square were people voted.
When the greeks called someone an idiot it meant that the person did not vote and that person was not doing their duty to Athens

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