Friday, September 21, 2012

Presenting Projects

We were suppose to have a test today, but it was postponed until monday. It was postponed becuase we had not finished our presentations yet. Today in class India finished sharing their presentation.  I learned that India is a very populated country. Then Indonesia shared presented their project. One interesting thing I learned about that country is that there flag is just red and white. Red on a flag usally means blood, which means that a country fought war to win their independence. White on a flag usally means purity. We only had about five minutes left of class, but my group still presented our project before the bell rang. We did the USA, which was fun becuase I learned facts about were I lived. It  was more interesting to learn about were I live instead of another country that I do not know.  I think it is important to know about the goverment and economy of the place that you live.

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