Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Today In class we talked about which websites are good to get information off of and which ones are not. Wikipedia can be a good source but also a bad source. Some teachers do not like it when students use it, but Mr. Schick does not mind it. He explained to us that yes people can change it but that it gets checked, and it is very hard for someone to write something totally false and it to go undetected. I also learned that at the bottom of a Wikipedia page their are websites of where the author got their information from. When I need to write a research paper I know that I can not use Wikipidia, but I could use the sources listed at the bottom to help me obtain more information. When I am doing research I need to be careful of where I am getting my information. If I am not sure if the website I am on has real information I could look up the author of the website and see if that person actually knows the things they are writing about. I need to always make sure I am using a reliable source when I am researching information for any of my classes.

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