Wednesday, September 26, 2012

From Sudan to America

Today in class we continued watching God Grew Tired of Us. We started at the part were some of the boys were selected to come to America. The boys were very new to most of the things that they saw in America. They did not know how electricity worked, and they thought it was very cool.On the airplane ride over some of the boys did not know how to eat the food that was givin to them. This one boy ate just plain butter becuase he did not know what it was. When they got to America they were given apartments to live in  and showed how to work things. They were showed how a fridge works, and how to wash dishes and their hands. Throughout this time for them many of them are happy but sad. They are happy they have been given this oppurtunity but sad that not all of their friends and family could go with them. Alot of them want to work hard, so they can be successful in America and then go and help out in Sudan.I enjoy watching this movie and hope that all of the boys will find jobs and be succesful in America.

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