Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #2

If Socrates and Elbert Hubbard time traveled to the present I think they would have mixed opinions about how we live our lives. I think Socrates would be proud of how people share their opinions more. I think he would like that in the United States of Amercia we have freedom of speech. He would also like that people express their beliefs and their different religions openly. I think Ebert Hubbard would be impressed with certian parts of the present. He would like all of the technology we have created becuase it took some very intelligent, determined,and hardworking people to create these things that we use in our everyday lives now. Mr. Hubbard would also be  disappointed in us. Some people our society us these new technologys to not work as hard as they could be. Sometimes people do not try their hardest and become azy. I think overall they would both be very proud of us and the things we have accomplished, but they would remind us that we always need to work our hardest and to always do ur best in everything we do.

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