Monday, September 24, 2012

Test/ God Grew Tired of Us

Today we came in and took our first test in Human Geo.I tried to prepare myself for this,so I think I did well on it.We had a two mod class today, so we used the ifrst mod to take the test andthe second mod to watch a movie. The move was called God Grew Tired of Us.  This movie was about the civial war of Sudan that started in 1983. In the movie it expolained that Sudan there was tension between the Muslims and Christians. The Muslims ruled the goverment and the north of sudan. They decided to take over all of sudan and kick out the Christians. The goverment of Sudan annonced that that all men in the south were to be killed. About 27,000 young men between the ages of ten and five fled SUdan. They are known as the lost boys. The lost boys faced many hardships to finally reach a settlement camp that they live din for about ten years. The United States took some of the refuges and gave them homes in America. Not everyone was so lucky and some of them are still at the settlement camps.

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