Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day

We got our test back on God Grew Tired of Us.  Our class average was about a  82 which is not that bad. We went over the answers to all of the questions becuase the questions might be on the final. The one question I got wrong was what was the name of the group that they organized themselves into for entertainment and discussion. I now know that this group was called parliament or white house. I also lost points on my test for spelling the words, Pittsburgh,Ethiopia,and Syracuse wrong. Then we talked about our blogs and how we need to make sure we put alot of information in them. Today is Columbus Day. Christopher Columbus  came to America in 1492. He did not mean to find it. He was looking for India but stubbled across America. He was not the first peope to find it though. The Vikings came to America in 1000 AD.In class we divided up into three different groups. The three groups then each researched a different topic. My group did the Vikings. We made a powerpoint on the Vikings and wil present it tommorow in class.

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