Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Panther's Charity

 Their are many great charities that can help the poeple of Sudan. We want to try and pick one that we could try and help. We talked about one charity that helps build wells. In Sudan the poeple do not have clean water and drink out of dirty rivers. Their is also one called outreach Africa where they send children to a school. They feed them once a day, give them a uniform, and give them a proper education. I think the best chairty to help is Panther's charity. He is trying to 95,000 dollars to build a catholic school in his hometown. I think this is a good idea becuase if the children in Sudan get a good education it will help them later on in life. If Panther is not very expensice like John Bul then maybe he could come and talk to our school. He has such an inspiring stroy that I would love to hear about how he made it in America.

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