Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Native Americans,Vikings,Columbus and Soft Drinks

The first group to present their powerpoint today was the group that researched Native Americans. Native Ameircans came here during the ice age, 12,000-17,000 years ago, usint the "Bering Strait" or land bridge. They arrived in Alaska but then migrated to other parts of America. Their was no culture here before the Native Americans, which means the Native americans did not have to fight anyone to conquer America.They were not sent by anyone to find America. They had a strong spiritual connection with the land and took care of where they lived. Today Native Americans live on resurvations and have to follow federal law. The next group that went was my group, the Vikings. The Vikings arrived in America in 1000 AD and supposedly the first Viking to arrive was Leif Eriksson. The Vikings cam to America by ships. Their warships were longships and they had three types of longships, Snekke, Drekkar, and Skeid. The ships were long and narrow with enough room for about eighteen men to row, but they also had sails. The Vikings were not the first people to come to America. There were about 20-30 million Native Americans already here when the Vikings came. The Vikings did not really land in the United States. They landed in Greenland but left becuase of the bharsh climate.They also landed in Vinland and Canada. The Vikings did not fight to conquer america.They set up a colony in North America for a short time, but they abondoned it becuase of conflict with the Native Americans. The Vikings too very good care of the land. They lived of the land by hunting animals and farming their land. They had grape orchards, used many nature resources to build their homes, and grew wheat, barley, and rye. The Vikings were not sent by anyone to conquer America. The third and final group presented Columbus. Columbus arrived on October 12,1492 in the present day Bahamas. The came in three ships, Nina, Santa Maria, and Pinta.
The Native Amricans were already their when Columbus arrived, but Columbus conquered the Americas anyway. They did not respect the land or the people. After all of our power points were finished we looked at a powerpoint of a map. This map showed the Generic names of soft drinks by county in America. 120,464 people were interviewed for this map. The things that people call soft drinks in America are pop,soda,coke,and other. We looked at this map becuase Mr. Schick wants us to learn how to read maps properly.

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