Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Our class has decided that it is a good idea to try and help out Sudan. We are not sure what we want to do to help. We talked about some of the charities that would be good to donate money too. Some of them are The Red Cross, The Mercy Corps, Panthers's organization, and John Bul's Organization. Their is also this charity that the school did in the past were we donate money to help people in undeveloped countries recieve laptops. We got into groups and tried to find more charties or organizations that we think would be good to try and donate to. Their was this open blog that everyone could write their ideas on. At first this was not working to well becuase people kept messing with other people's ideas. Some people would even delete a person's charity that they listed on the page. Te second time we tried it some poeple were still messing with it, but the majority of the people were doing their work correctly. One of our ideas was to have John Bul come and talk to our class. It is very expensive, between 6,000- 10,000 dolars, for him to come and talk to us. If we had the school pay for some of it, and it was a school wide activity then maybe we could have this happen. i htink this would be an amazing thing if he came and talked to us. he could share with us his experiences and how he made it in America. I would be very excited if he came and talked to our school!

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