Saturday, October 13, 2012

5 Religions

Mr. Schick was not here today for class so Mr. Perry was are sub. It was my first time having Mr. Perry as a teacher. We got an assignment to work on for the whole class about religions. W had to research the religions Chritianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Judaism. Christianity  started about 2000 years ago in Judea(present day Israel). Christianity is also a monotheistic religion, which means they only worship one God. The holy book of Christianity is the Bible. Christianity is the largest religion in the world with 2.2 billion followers. The central figure of Christianity is Jesus Christ. Most of its followers live in the United States. Islam was found in Mecca in 630 AD. It is a monotheistic religion. The Holy book is called Quran, written in Arbic, and was revealed by God to the prophet Muhammad. It is the second largest religion in the world with 1.57 billion followers. The central figure of their religion is Allah, which is their god. The center place in Indonesia. Buddhism was founded in 460 BC by an Indian monk named Siddhartha Gautama,Buddha. Buddhism is polytheists, which means they worship several gods. Their is no holy book. It is the fourth largest religion in the world with 250-500 million followers. The central figure is Buddha and the central geographical location is the Indian subcontinent. Hinduism was found in 1500-500 BC in India. Their holy book is called the Veda. It is a polytheistic religion. It is the  third largest religion in the world with 900 million followers. The Hindu gods are the central figures of the relgion.The central geograpical place is South Asia. Judaism was found in Isreal in 2000 BC by Abraham. It is a monotheistic religion. It has a couple of holy books. They are called Torah, Nev'im, and Ketuvim. Judaism has 14 million followers. The central figures are Abraham,Isaac, amd Jacob. The central location is Isreal. This is all that I learned about theses very interesting religions.

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