Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Cultral Geography

Today we learned about culture characteristics. Curtral characteristics are parts of a groups everyday life, and the ides and themes which the group will teach all memebers. These charcteristics can link or divide a region. Three examples of culture characteristics are language,religion, and ethnic heritage. An example of language is spanish unties the hispanic and Arabic intites the Arab world. Brazil is the only South American nation in which does not speak Spanish, it speaks Portuguese. This makes us wonder if Brazil is Hispanic or Latin. Another example of Language is Canada. Canada is a bilingual nation, which means it has two official langueses. The two official languages are French and English. This has been a problem becuase Quebec  wanted to become their own county. They wanted to do this becuase they are the French speaking part of Canada and the rest of Canada was trying to force them to be for English speaking, and they did not want to. One of the places that has multiple languages but very little conflict between the groups is Switzerland.  The English language is now considered the world language and is used for most buisness transactions around the world. English is the Lingua Franca which means the language people speak locally.  An example of ethnic heratige is in Yugoslavia, many ethnic groups were made into one country( Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, Albanians). When the strong leadership in Yugoslavia died out the different groups fought a very bloody civil war and now they each have their own seperate countries. We also dissuced how in 1984 the United states boycoted th Olympics in Moscow due to their hate to Russia by not attending the Olympics.

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