Friday, November 16, 2012

on the brink of war

We  are going to have a  quiz on monday on the 13 leaders and their countries. To prepare for this quiz we should study our last quiz. On the quiz on monday the first part will be to match the leaders up with their country. There will be a small change in this becuase China has gotten a new leader. Hu Jintao is not the president anymore. The new President of China is Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping was the vice president of China before he became the president. Last year he came and toured the United States. Instead of staying in an embassy and meeting with the President of United States he stayed with a normal family in Iowa. The next part of the test is when we match the leaders with facts about them. The last part of the test will be something we have not done before. We need to be able to look at a map and point out where each of the countries are. We also talked about the  mini war between Isreal and Pakistan. Each of them had started firing bombs at each other and some people have been killed. If this does not stop Isreal will probally invade Pakistan.

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