Saturday, November 3, 2012

Five Major Religions Quiz

Today in class we got back our test on the five major religions. I recieved an 81 on that texts. We got back the quiz and went over the questions we got woring. We need to know the answers for the final in December.The first question I got wrong was the Serbs,Croats,Bosnians, and Albanians coexisted in the country of Yugoslavia. I put Switerland instead of Yugoslavia. The next question I got wrong was the two major religions sects of their religion are called Sunnis and Shiites, and the answer was Islam. I also got their writings are called Vedas, and I answered Islam instead of Hinduism. I also got wrong that Islam is the second largest religion right now; and within a few decades it may be the largest. I also got worng that Judiasm is the oldest surving monotheistic religion. The next questions I got wrong was five times a day, devout Muslims bow and pray in the direction of the city Mecca. I also got wrong that Medina is the birth place if Muhammad. Then we went over our homework.

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