Wednesday, November 14, 2012

New Seats and New Assignment

We started off class by getting new seats. I now sit in the front of the room right by the door. We got to pick our seats by who had the highest grade in the class. The person with the highest got to go first then the person with the lowest grade picked last. Next we talked about the paper that we have to right by monday.We have to choose two countries and talk about how they relate to the United States. We were given the choice to work with a partner or by yourself. I choose to work by myself becuase I think it is easier to write in on your own then have to wait for your partner to give you their information. I also would not have time this weekend to meet up with my partner and work on it. This paper is either going to be worth one hundred point or two hundred points. Personally I would like it to be worth two hundred points so I can try and boost my grade before mid quaters.

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