Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Facts about World Leaders.

Today we went over the facts about the leaders of the countries. I learned that Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Suad does not give religious freedom to his country. He also has fourteen wives and thrity five children. Hugo Chavez, president of Venezuela, currently has colen cancer. When he was younger he tried to coup d'etat and was thrown in jail for two years for it. Coup d'etat is when you try to overthrough the goverment from within with force. Pranab Mukherjee, presiden tof India was named the best financial leader of Asia in 2010. Dilma Rousseff, president of Brazil, believes in abortion for rape and if the mother is in danger by having the child. She was also tortured why she was in jail by being hung upside down like a bird and electricuted. The President of China, Hu Jintao, made China have the largest economy in the world. The PResident of Isreal, Shimon Perez won the noble peace prize in 1994. Everytime someone shared the fact that they had Mr.Schick would throw a inflated ball  of the world, and we would have to locate the place were the fact about their leader was from.

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