Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Today we had our assembly were Gerry Sandusky came and talked to us. I thought it was a very great assembly. He was a very funny speaker and kept me interested the whole time. I liked the way that he overcame his situation in a good. He talked to us about how the other Jerry Sandusky changed his life. I thought it was interesting how before this all happened the good Gerry Sandusky and the bad Jerry Sandusky had done a news story on how they had the same name but where not related. At the end of his talk people got to ask questions and people asked alot of good questions. In class we watched more of the movie about China. We rewatched the part were a factory was relocated from the United States to China. Alot of Americans lost there jobs while Chinese people gained jobs. Companys do this becuase in China their is no miniumum wage and labor is cheap.

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