Wednesday, November 28, 2012

American Jobs

Today in class we talked about  what happened in the video. W etalked about how relocating a factory to China can affect people in the United States. Alot of companies manufactor their products from China becuase of the cheap labor, but that means that many Americans lost their jobs. i thought it was very ironic how a woman lost her job becuase of her company relocating and she was mad. She lost her job to a chinese worker, but she still was supporting them by going to places like walmart, which manufators almost all of its items from China. We talked about how you can choose what you want to suppor tor not. For example by going to Mcdonalds and buying food you are supporting their company. If you do not want to support it then do not go to McDonalds anymore.  For the last ten minutes of class we watched more of the video.

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