Monday, November 26, 2012


Tommrow we are going to have an assembally that was organized by Mr. Schick. Gerry Sandusky will be coming to talk to us tommorow. He is coming to talk about the other Jerry Sandusky, who is currently in jail, and how this has changed his life. Gerry Sandusky has recieved death threats and rude comments on social media sites becuase people think he is Jerry Sandusky. He is going to talk to us about how he has had to adapt to this kind of behavor on a normal day.We are going to learn how to deal with a difficult situation when you have done nothing wrong. Mr. Schick said that if we ask a good quality question tommorow at the assembly we can recieve ten extra credit points in human geo. Then after we talked about the assembly we watched a movie. The movie is callled The People's Rupublic of Capitalism. This movie is about China and there economy.Chongqing, a city in China, is called tje biggest city you have never heard of and is along a river and very industrial. Workers in China get paid very low becuase their population is so huge. There ar eabout 1.5 million people working in construction. We also learned that becuase of China's large population Chinese people are only suppose to have one child and if you have more they fine you and make it very hard economically on your family.

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