Monday, November 12, 2012

Nuclear Bombs

Today we got back our pop quizzes. I only got three questions wrong. The onesi got wrong are that Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz has had 13 wives and at least 35 children. Francois Hollande is a soialist who defeated Nicolas Sarkozy this summer. Angela Merkel is the fourth most powerful person in the world, largely due to her country's economic strength in the European Union. Then we started talking about Cuba and how it use to be a large tourist place for people in the United States until it became a communist nation. Then we talked about nuclear bombs. In the middle east Isreal is supposedly building a nuclear bomb, and Iran wants bomb the place were they are building it before they finis making it. The United States is trying to tell Iran that we should just talk things out first before any bombs are dropped. The only nuclear bomb that has been dropped was by the United States on Japan. During the cold war we became very close to dropping more nuclear bombs. Russia and the United States kept building nuclear bombs at a very fast pase.  Then when Russia started setting up bombs in Cuba the United States said that if they set up anymore we would bomb Cuba and Russia. Russia then stopped putting up nuclear bombs in Cuba and no nuclear bombs were ever fired.

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