Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Spreading of Farming

Today we watched more of Guns, Germs, and Steel. we started of by watching the part about how the climate of the middle east changed to dry and all the crops died. The people that lived started to leave and migrate to the west and east on the same latitude line. All of the places on the same latitude line have the same climate and amount of time during their days. When the people spread to Egypt a society exploded. The people their now had a surplus of food for the people to build pyramids. The same thing happened with the European countries. Their was enough food to feed the artist  and builders. The Europeans brought over cattle and grains to the United States. Their are now over 100 million cattle in the United States. Americans  now consume  over 20 millions tons of wheat a year, which is 40 billion pounds. That means that each person consumes about 133 pounds per year. Modern America would be unthinkable without the spreading of farming. New Guinea has not tried to get other animals and plants to grow because they don't want to, they don't have open farm land to house cattle, their crops can't grow in the climate, and their are lots of mountains which aren't good for some animals. New Guinea makes most of their money from Gold, Copper, and other precious medals.

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