Friday, January 11, 2013

Finished the Movie

Today we finished watching Guns, Germs, and Steel. Diamond concluded by telling us that every type of race has the same intelligence but different  cultures. Diamond says the main reason that some people have more then others is geographical luck. New Guinea also has a few cities that use modern technology, but they are not as advanced as the cities that we have in the United States. New Guinea's currency is  the kina. They export oil, gold, copper ore, logs, palm, oil, coffee,cocoa, crayfish, and praws. They export a total of 6.6748 billion dollars a year. They import a total of 6.106 billion dollars a year. The products they import are machinery and transport equipment, manufactured goods, food, fuels  and chemicals. United States established diplomatic relations with  Papaua New Guinea in 1975. The terrain is mountains and high lands. One third of the population is living on less the $1.25 a day. The poverty rate is 37% under the poverty line.  The GDP growth is 8.9 and that's the 12th fastest growing in the world . Only 51% of the people that are fifteen years or older can read and write.  More males can read then females. New Guinea has a very diverse culture, and it speaks 841 different languages.  In New Guinea there are 125,000 people that have internet  in a country of over 6 million people. They spend 1.4% of their GDP on the military. They do not have a very high class military because no one wants to go into war with New Guinea.  They have 562 airports, but only 20 of them are paved. New Guinea's unemployment rate is 1.9%. Birth rate is  56 in the world.Poor countries usually have higher birth rates then developed successful countries because they have a great infant mortality rate, which means that they know that some of their children wont make it to adulthood.  Their GDP per capita is 2,500 and that is ranked 179 in the world.  3.39 is the total fertility rate. Net migration rate is 0, so their is the same amount of people leaving and going in. 27% are roman catholic and that is the official religion. 13% of the total population is Urban which means that they live in cities. Of the world wide population 50.5% are urban. September 16, 1975 is the date of their Independence.

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