Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Domesticated Animals

Today we watched more of the video about Jared Diamond and his book, Guns, Germs, and Steel. Today in the video we talked about domesticated animals and where they are from. New Guinea has pigs as their native animal. The pigs are only good for meat. They do not give any muscle power to the people, so all of the farm work is done by human hand. In India they use elephants for hard work. It is not a good animal for this because elephants do not reproduce fast and they eat a lot of food. It is very expensive for someone to raise and domesticate an elephant.Their are over 2 million species of animals in the world that could be domesticated. Good animals to domesticate are animals that reproduce in the first two years of their life, social animals, and animal that have a leader, so that once humans train the leader they have control over the whole group. Their are only fourteen animals that are wild, plant eating, and over one hundred pounds that have been domesticated successfully. Those animals are the goat, sheep, pig, cow, horse, donkey, bactrian camel, Arabian camel, water buffalo,llama, reindeer, yacs, mithan, and bali cattle. The llama is native to south america. All of the other 13 animals are native to Asia, North Africa,Europe, and the Middle East.

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