Saturday, September 15, 2012

Today in Class..

In the event of an emergency our school needs to know what we should do. We talked about how we cannot panic and, we would need to stay calm.  We have a practice evaluation today at 12:15, so we learned that we should go with our class to the closest section.  If you have a free mod then you would go to the section closest to you or follow the class that you see. If you are in the cafeteria you would go the teacher’s parking lot. The three sections to go to are the teacher’s parking lot  ,stadium, and the girls varsity field. Some people's blogs are not working, so we talked about how is working on fixing the problem. We also talked about the video that we watched the day before. Mr.Shick wanted to let the students talk more today in class and let us lead the discussion. We disscused which facts were our favorite.

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