Monday, September 3, 2012

Essay #3

I think excellency is a great goal to strive for at John Carroll. To achieve this goal I need to have a plan that I will use everyday at school.  My  first step in my plan is my homework. I need to make sure all of my assignments are turned in on time. They also all have to be done to the best of my ability. The second step is my bed time. This may sound like a not very important thing, but it is. I need to make sure I have  enough sleep so I have enough energy to stay focused all day. The third step to my plan is to take good notes in class and pay attention. If I learn most of my information in class by paying attention I will have less studying to do when the test on that information is annuonced.  The fourth step is to not put things off until the last minute like studying for big tests. I sometimes only study the night before, and I need to learn to start preparing for big texts like a week before I have to take them. The last step in my plan is to have fun and be involved in extra activities. i am already a part of the soccer team, which is so much fun! Once soccer is over I would like to see what other activies this school offers  and hopefully join some of them. I hope by doing all of these things my highschool years will be fun, and hopefully I will learn alot of new things.

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic plan. Stick with this, and you are sure to have a fantastic four years here at JC.

