Monday, September 10, 2012

CIA Factbook

1.Population of the United States:313,847,465
2.Five largest countries in the world by population: China,India,United States,Indonesia, and Brazil
3.Population of Pakistan:190,291,129
4.Kind of government that the United States has:Constitution-based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5.unemployment rate in Zimbabwe: 95%
6.largest country in the world by area: Russia
7.Country with the third greatest number of airports: Mexico
8.Country with the greatest number of exports: China
9.Country that exports more oil than any other country: Suadi Araba
10.Country that imports more oil than any other: United States
11. Country that consumes more oil then any other: United States
12. Can woman serve combat roles in China's military: Yes
13.GDP= value of all final goods and services produced within a nation in a given year.
14. country with the highest GDp per capoita in the world and how much is it:Liechtenstien and 141,00
15.  Is the US in the top ten for GDP per capita: no
16. most of the countries with the highest birth rates can be found in what continent: Africa
17.11 of the top 12 countries with the highest number of deaths from HIV/ AIDS can be found in which continent: Africa
18. what other country is in the top ten: India
19. where does the US rank in HIV/ AIDS deaths: 18
20. Is the US #1 in the number of cell phones:no
21. What percentage of the US is roman catholic: 23.9%
22. percentage of mexico that is roman catholic:76.5%
23. Net Migration rate: the figure for the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons
24. does the US have the highest net migration rate in the world: no
25. what is the current population of the entire planet:7,021,836,029

The two most important questions in my opinion are the current population of the entire world and what kind of government the United States has. I think that knowing the population of the world is a good thing becuase we should know that our planet is very big and has alot of people. I think knowing the type of government the United States has is important for us to know. Knowing what kind of system is running where you live is an important thing. You should know who is making the rules and decisions that you live with everyday.

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