Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Letter to Garcia

Elbert Hubbard wrote a letter about a man name Rowen. During the Spanish-American War in 1898 America and Spain fought over the control of Cuba. General Garcia lived in Cuba, and President Mckinley wanted to send him a letter, but the problem was that no one knew where in Cuba Generel Garcua lived. President Mckinely asked Rowen to deliver this secret letter to General Garcia. Rowen never asked any questions and did what he was told. He delivered the letter to General Garcia  with no problems. This letter showed us how we should act in life. If we have a job we should do it with no questions asked and strive to always do our best.Then we learned about "Culling of the Herd." That is when you can tell  who the slower and lazy people are in a group of people. Mr. Schick tuaght us this today becuase it was a very good life leasoin. We should always do our best in everything we do with no questions asked. 

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