Monday, December 3, 2012

Second movie

The first thing we did was we got back our essays that we had wrote. I received a 199 out of a 200, and I am very happy with this grade. The things I got wrong were grammatical errors and citing my sources. When I write research papers I need to reread my work over more carefully and make sure I get all of the grammatical errors fixed. After we got back our papers we finished the last five minutes of the China movie. Then we started part three of the China movie. The Chinese put about 25,000 new cars on the road everyday. having everyone own a car is a fairly new concept for the Chinese. Everyone use to bike everywhere. Because cars are so new there are a lot of accidents. The Chinese government have not figured out a system for them, so some accidents don't involve police or lawyers  The two people that were in the accident just pay each other cash on the spot.  To build new roads for these cars they use manual labor because it is so cheap. One man gets paid 14 dollars a day for 11 hours each day to set explosives in the tunnel to make new roads.

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