Saturday, December 15, 2012

Exam Review

 We have our final exam on Monday.  Today we reviewed for it. Mr.Schick told us everything that we will need to know. He has a paper on his website that tells us how many questions and the topics of the questions. We will also have short answers on the exam. Mr. Schick gave us hints to what some of the short answer questions will be. Our exam for human geo is the second exam on Monday  Mr. Schick told us that some teachers might let us study for our next exam after we finish our first exam. I am going to bring my human geo books just in case I can. We also talked about how the cafeteria will be very crowded so we should pack a lunch instead of trying to buy food.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today everyone presented their reports. I think everyone did a great job on persuading us to buy their item. Everyone had a lot of interesting facts on their projects. My group went second out of the five presentations. I think that we did well. we had a lot of facts to try and persuade our buyer. We also had a very creative poster and slogan. Everyone had alot of information in their projects and no one forgot to finish theirs. Mr. Schick said that our class did an overall good job with their projects. All of the presenters did a good job of explaining instead of just reading of their power point like Mr. Schick  said to do.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Today in class my group made our poster for the project. You could either make the poster on power point or make a poster board. We decided to make a poster board. Maria brought in markers for us to decorate and Doori printed pictures. On our poster we wrote USA in blue and red and drew a picture of a foot in blue and red. We also printed out some of the reasons to buy from America instead of China and put it on our poster. Then we glued on all of the pictures . The pictures were of shoes that are made in the USA. My group is totally complete our project and is ready to share it tomorrow  I think that we did a good job and that our presentation will go well.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Buy American Shoes

Today in class we started working on our projects. My group decided to try and convince people that United States shoes  are better then shoes from China. My group is Holly, Maria, Doori, and Grace. We all worked on getting information and completed the power point today. I researched  reasons not to buy shoes from China. There are many reasons but the main reason is the working conditions. The working conditions in China are very bad. Many of the workers get sick  and are paid very low for hard labor. The only thing my group has left to do is make a poster. Holly came up with a slogan today, so tomorrow we are bringing in  poster board and markers to decorate it.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Finished Movie

We finished watching the second part of the movie today. According to an American lawyer that was helping sue the Chinese car companies for not using safety rules, the Chinese companies put profit over safety.  The Chinese are expected to sell about nine million cars this year. The Chinese have been trying to prevent pollution a little by making taxi drivers use compressed natural gas. This makes it harder for the taxi drivers to earn a lot of money because they waste a lot of time waiting on a line to get the compressed natural gas pumped into there cars. After the movie was over we received a project that we are going to have to do. We have to get into groups and then argue either that people should purchase American goods or Chinese goods. In my group is Doori, Maria, Grace, and Holly.  We are arguing that people should purchase American made goods.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Capitalism=an economic and political  system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital  goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market
- type of economy were the companies have private ownership for example apple is run by people that know about computer and the store two sisters is run by two woman
- the companies are not owned by the government
- America's government uses this system

Communism= 1. theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.2. a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by atotalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.3.  the principles and practices of the Communist party.
-classless- no upper, middle, or lower  class except for the main government because no one owns any companies the state owns everything/ state owned= means owned by the countries government
- type of economy where the government owns everything 
- thinks its immoral to have poor people if you have people that are very rich

Free Enterprise=freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit in a competitive system without interference by government beyond regulation necessary to protect public interest and keep the national economy in balance
- no state control 
-the companies decided how much they sell their products for 
Free Market=an economic market operating by free competition
 Works Cited:

Today in class we discussed what each of these vocab words meant. we also talked about how in our economy some jobs get paid more then others. For example, a baseball player receives a lot more pay then a teacher. even though some argue that teaches are more important to the society. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cars in China

Today we watched more of the Chinese movie. The main Chinese company that is making cars is called Lifan. China is putting about 9 million new cars on the road every year. Three fourths  of the cars in China come from the major car companies. The main companies all manufacturer their cars in America. Nine out of ten people in China  pay for their cars in cash. In China they do not use credit cards like we do. They mostly save up the money then purchase items with cash. In America we use credit cards to purchase things before we actually have money. China is the biggest producer and consumer of steel. It used to  be mostly made in the United States. That is why the Pittsburgh Steelers are called the Steelers.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Second movie

The first thing we did was we got back our essays that we had wrote. I received a 199 out of a 200, and I am very happy with this grade. The things I got wrong were grammatical errors and citing my sources. When I write research papers I need to reread my work over more carefully and make sure I get all of the grammatical errors fixed. After we got back our papers we finished the last five minutes of the China movie. Then we started part three of the China movie. The Chinese put about 25,000 new cars on the road everyday. having everyone own a car is a fairly new concept for the Chinese. Everyone use to bike everywhere. Because cars are so new there are a lot of accidents. The Chinese government have not figured out a system for them, so some accidents don't involve police or lawyers  The two people that were in the accident just pay each other cash on the spot.  To build new roads for these cars they use manual labor because it is so cheap. One man gets paid 14 dollars a day for 11 hours each day to set explosives in the tunnel to make new roads.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Chinese and Americans Interdependent

 Today we finished the video on how America and China's economies are interdependent with one another.  For example  to make one prat sofa the materials are shipped between China and America. The cotton is  picked in America then shipped to China to be made into the material. Then the material is shipped back to the United States to be stuffed into the sofa. The wooden frame of the sofa is made in China but then sent to America to be attached to the fabric part of the sofa. In China the labor works hard for less money. One man is a scientist, and he pays for one-fifth for ten times the amount of space for his lab in China. Because Chinese workers get paid less it is hard for some families to make a living. One Chinese family  makes around 575 dollars  a year for growing lotus. They choose to pay to send their daughter to a good school which cost about half of what they make a year. In China they like to buy from American companies because they like the quality.Walmart to Americans is a place where you get a deal and to Chinese it is an upscale store.